Montessori World

An educational blog for children and adults

Help me to draw a heart.

An emotion is a powerful energy in motion.

An emotion must flow for its full powerful energy to take effect. Blocking it can only cause harm. So, sometimes interrupted energy must be channeled to something more useful.

When a child who I thought was at an apt age to draw a heart shape unable to draw it and started to feel less confident about her ability, I guess it’s best to begin from what she is able to do first. And to think of how to do this within seconds, in front of the screen, during an online class, is a teaching method of differentiation in a teacher’s lesson plan.


So, how can we teach a person how to draw a heart?

I can think of two ways.

Can you think of more ways?

March 24, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment